

2018 March for Life: Largest Human Rights Rally in World History

Today is a significant day as hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers of all ages descended on Washington to stand in solidarity to protect unborn children.  This day marks 45 years of grassroots efforts to restore a culture of life in our nation, and protect women and children. Regent Students for Life faculty, staff, students and friends chartered a bus to join thousands at the rally who committed to join this pro-life generation and then come back home to save lives and transform their campuses and communities.

Very significantly, President Trump addressed from the Rose Garden the several million person crowd with an address to the marchers, (introduced by Vice President Pence) being the first sitting president in history to support life by addressing the March for Life.  These national leaders recognize that 45 years of abortion is a national tragedy, and as the President stated, "This March is born out of love, as every child is a precious gift from God…. Love saves lives."  President Trump also issued several important orders to protect the conscience and religious liberty of those opposed to abortion.

Additionally, elected pro-lifers in the U.S. House of Representatives also put forth, timed with the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. While the facts it addresses are a sad commentary on the state of our culture, this common-sense bill would protect babies who survive an attempted abortion. Unfortunately there have been hundreds of such deaths documented in recent years.  This bill would protect those babies in the future and would hold abortionists accountable who violate it.   

If you would like to find out the many effects that the Roe decision has had on families, download and read Roe's Effects on Family Law, where you'll learn how that ruling harmed relationships between wives and husbands, parents and children, and has even brought great harm to romantic relationships (see Part 3).  Today marks 45 years of working toward family restoration in protecting lives of women and children.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post! Abortion has had numerous detrimental effects on our society, and I am incredibly thankful for Regent and other organizations for their stance against abortion. There are African countries right now trying to decide whether it is in their country's best interest to legalize abortion, and it is important to raise awareness about the damaging effects it has had on our nation. Due to the hard work of Regent's Center for Global Justice, Uganda has decided not to legalize abortion. One of Regent's students wrote a memo explaining the effects that abortion has on a society, and the Uganda Parliament used it to form their opinion on why abortion should not be legalized.
    If you would like to read more about it, here is the link:
