

Queen Elizabeth II: Home as a Sanctuary

In the new year of 2018, families will continue to be the difference makers for individuals around the world. 

Queen Elizabeth II, the 68 year reigning monarch of the United Kingdom, posted her traditional holiday message, and this holiday it was focused on the home.  Her point: your home should be a sanctuary.  A shelter for those you love, made by you to be a safety net in all ways to protect, refresh, and restore members of your family, your home is a sanctuary from the world and all its concerns for your family.  See the full six minute message here.  The Queen has the problems of the world on her mind, but her focus remains on Jesus Christ and His plan for all mankind – the family.

May your home be specially blessed in 2018.

1 comment:

  1. In the United States the home receives heightened constitutional protection in many realms; individuals have a heightened interest in safety, autonomy, and privacy while in their home. This seems to reflect the Christian foundations of our society and the ever insistent desire for the government to stay out of the private affairs of the family. The family, being the most basic unit of society, looks to their home as a place where they are free to fully express themselves, without restriction by the government. The sanctity of the family will be preserved in the home. It will be disturbed only when the family asks for interference or by breakdown of the functionality of the family unit. This is one of America's core values--the home as a sanctuary.
