The movie allows for healing and hope for those affected by abortion, while shedding a positive and reaffirming light on adoption as a positive alternative to the injustice of abortion. Click here for a list of theaters in Virginia that will be showing the movie. Groups and individuals may sponsor a screening as well by clicking here. October Baby's producers will be donating 10% of their profits to the Every Life is Beautiful Fund which gives money to organizations helping women facing unplanned pregnancies, providing adoption and orphan care.
While culture reflects on the value of life, politics and law are consumed with reproductive health that really seems to deny life potential.
In fact, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that sterilzation must be given free of charge to anyone. See http://cnsnews.com/news/article/free-sterilizations-must-be-offered-all-college-women-says-hhs. And a UK abortion provider investigation has exposed doctors filmed agreeing to perform illegal abortions wtih "no questions asked." Read about this investigation in the UK Telegraph at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9099511/Abortion-investigation-doctors-filmed-agreeing-illegal-abortions-no-questions-asked.html. These events are more ominous when considered in light of forced abortions on Chinese women. A litigation attorney exposes the practice in her new video which you can view here at http://www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/blog/?p=34.
Finally, a major lawsuit by a former Planned Parenthood employee reveals the nefarious practices that surround that organizations work. Read the article Federal Court Unseals Planned Parenthood Lawsuit by Karla Dial where she writes, "A federal judge today unsealed a lawsuit a former Planned Parenthood employee filed nearly three years ago. The suit claims that the abortion seller engages in a pernicious and persistent pattern of Medicaid fraud. Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in the Bryan/College Station area, states in the lawsuit filed by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) that Planned Parenthood knowingly sought improper reimbursements from the Texas Women's Health Program from 2007 to 2009. According to court documents, Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas filed at least 87,075 fraudulent claims. As a result, according to Johnson, Planned Parenthood allegedly received more than $5.7 million from Medicaid for services the program doesn't cover or which were never performed in the first place."
Matters of life are in the forefront of law and culture, and point to clear evidence that families are not restored by reproductive health that dismantles life, but by protecting life itself.
In fact, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that sterilzation must be given free of charge to anyone. See http://cnsnews.com/news/article/free-sterilizations-must-be-offered-all-college-women-says-hhs. And a UK abortion provider investigation has exposed doctors filmed agreeing to perform illegal abortions wtih "no questions asked." Read about this investigation in the UK Telegraph at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9099511/Abortion-investigation-doctors-filmed-agreeing-illegal-abortions-no-questions-asked.html. These events are more ominous when considered in light of forced abortions on Chinese women. A litigation attorney exposes the practice in her new video which you can view here at http://www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/blog/?p=34.
Finally, a major lawsuit by a former Planned Parenthood employee reveals the nefarious practices that surround that organizations work. Read the article Federal Court Unseals Planned Parenthood Lawsuit by Karla Dial where she writes, "A federal judge today unsealed a lawsuit a former Planned Parenthood employee filed nearly three years ago. The suit claims that the abortion seller engages in a pernicious and persistent pattern of Medicaid fraud. Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in the Bryan/College Station area, states in the lawsuit filed by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) that Planned Parenthood knowingly sought improper reimbursements from the Texas Women's Health Program from 2007 to 2009. According to court documents, Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas filed at least 87,075 fraudulent claims. As a result, according to Johnson, Planned Parenthood allegedly received more than $5.7 million from Medicaid for services the program doesn't cover or which were never performed in the first place."
Matters of life are in the forefront of law and culture, and point to clear evidence that families are not restored by reproductive health that dismantles life, but by protecting life itself.
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