
Early Voting and State Abortion Initiatives

Abortion Amendments are on state ballots this fall along with the Presidential election, and these state initiatives provide a critical reason to be sure to vote this election season.  

Ten states have an abortion amendment on their ballot.  Although the language of these proposed amendments can be intentionally vague, the lack of clarity does not change the fact that they will be adding a right to abortion to that state’s constitution.  Citizens who want to protect human life at all stages and restore families should vote NO on these extreme amendments.

Details for each state can be found by clicking here or on the links below.

Abortion proponents began inserting abortion into state constitutions two years ago and are working hard to march through other states with their agenda, which disregards preborn human life.  As you enter the voting booth - whether early or on election day - your vote to protect human life can make a big difference to the future of a child. Your vote can go a long way toward family restoration.

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