
What American Conservatives Can Learn from the Communist Party of Greece

This guest post is from Alexander “Rev” Ioannidis, Regent Family Law student:

   “[P]arenthood is the relationship between a parent and child, which at the individual level reflects existing social relations. [This] position is based on the rights of the child . . . to have ties with its mother and father.” I wish I could tell you that this quote came from a conservative group defending parental rights or the biblical view of family, but I cannot. The quote comes from the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in opposition to the recent legislation that recognized gay marriage. Tragically, the push to legalize gay marriage came from Greece’s leading Conservative Party (New Democracy), which had just won its biggest landslide election since the 1970s. The only major opponents of this legislation were the Greek Orthodox Church and the KKE.

     As a Greek-American law student whose family is part of the Greek Evangelical Church (which makes up less than 1% of the Greek population), I was encouraged seeing the Orthodox and Evangelical leaders (who have historically been at odds) come together to defend what God says about marriage. The bigger shock was that we were on the same side as the KKE. Don’t get me wrong, the KKE has plenty of flaws. They are one of the last true Marxist Parties in Europe, they support abortion, and, during the Greek Civil War, they lured my great grandfather from his home to kill him. I do not defend their positions easily. But they gave two rationales for opposing same-sex marriage that conservatives in the United States should remember.

     The KKE’s “first and main” reason for their opposition is that enshrining sharedparental responsibility creates the commercialization of procreation andadoption.  Put another way, the KKE opposes commercializing reproduction. Compare this with the Alabama Republicans. In February, the Alabama Supreme Court held that Alabama’s wrongful death statute protects babies conceived in IVF. After all, Section 36.06 of the Alabama Constitution states that it is the “public policy” of Alabama to “recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life” and “to ensure the protection of the rights of the unborn child in all manners and measures lawful and appropriate.” But amidst these constitutional requirements, the Alabama legislature passed a law that gave sweeping immunity to all IVF providers in the state. Here, it was Democrats and Republicans, progressives and conservatives, all coming together to protect the industries commercializing procreation. These commercial industries thrive in a world where people do not reproduce the way God created, which is impossible in a same-sex relationship.

          The KKE’s second reason is that the bill bypasses “the social right of a child tothe motherhood-fatherhood relation as an evolving biosocial relationship.”  Even the KKE recognizes the importance of a kid growing up with a mother and a father. A party that rejects God and is rooted in an ideology that has caused some of the biggest religious persecution cannot hide from the fact that God’s view of family is the only proper one. Here, the laws of nature support God’s creation and version of the family. Sadly, just like in Greece, many on the right in America are forgetting God’s created order. Too many conservatives have abandoned the biblical view of marriage because they fear the electoral liabilities behind it. Conservatives (and progressives) should stand up for biblical truth rather than trying to suppress it for political gain. Legislators do not have the authority or the ability to change God’s created order, and they should not try using the law to do so.

         In the end, the only solution is for the Church to teach the public God’s truth about marriage and the family. But the biggest defenders of God’s version of family should not be communists whose movement rejects God. They should be Christians, from both sides of the aisle, seeking to promote human flourishing, and standing for truth no matter the cost.

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