
Families Fight Pornography on the Frontlines

 This guest post is from Benjamin Hands, Regent Law 3L:

Recently, states are passing laws requiring pornographic websites to verify the age of its visitors. The Supreme Court heard Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton on January 15, 2025, to decide what constitutional standard should be applied to these laws regulating pornography. When approaching this legal issue, it is important to keep in mind the holistic impacts of pornography on individuals and society. The proliferation of sin, confusion, and pain caused by pornography burdens our adolescents with a weight that is brought with them into all aspects of their lives. While free speech advocates want to ignore the pain pornography causes to so many Americans, the struggles of our fellow Americans follow them into their marriages, families, and society as a whole.

 The prevalence of pornography is often called an epidemic, and the harmful effects of pornography cannot be ignored. Studies show that pornography use causes depression, low self-esteem, decreased appetite, and poor mood. E.g., Haseeb Mehmood Qadri et al., Physiological, Psychosocial and Substance Abuse Effects of Pornography Addiction: A Narrative Review, Cureus (2023), https://www.cureus.com/articles/131357-physiological-psychosocial-and-substance-abuse-effects-of-pornography-addiction-a-narrative-review#!/. Indeed, pornography can be classed as an addiction as it has all the same hallmarks of substance addictions. E.g., id.; Matthew Fradd, The Porn Myth 24–25 (2017). Not to mention the spiritual harm pornography causes. Pornography encourages lust, therefore distancing from God those who watch and create pornography. Further, Jesus Christ calls us to love our spouses with our entire body and soul, but pornography teaches our adolescents that sex is about gratification, not marital love. Sex should be an important part of fostering a loving marital union designed to reflect God’s love for us and create life inspired by that love. But pornography instead takes love out of the equation.

Our families are on the frontlines of helping and dealing with those who are suffering from pornography addictions. Spouses are harmed by being objectified while children who watch pornography are harmed emotionally and physically, and they carry that pain with them when interacting with those around them. It is vital to heal families impacted by pornography addictions and reverse the effects of pornography on our country. America has a long history of decidedly treating obscenity as not protected by the Constitution. Pornography itself is inherently obscene. Therefore, legally pornography should not be held to a high constitutional standard and states should vigorously tackle pornography to heal the pain and confusion it has caused

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