
Training Lawyers in Marital Reconciliation to Restore Lost Spousal Trust

Students in Regent's Family Law course each semester are given an assignment: 

Draft a marital agreement that will assist your client in averting divorce, allowing this agreement to remain in full force and effect even in the event of reconciliation, and reflecting the sentiments of the clients to do all they can to reconcile their marriage based on their faith and understanding that they made a lifetime commitment to each other, and now to their children.

Here's one student's response to the assignment:

I am doing great with Family Law and am up to date.  I really enjoy your class … Admittedly, I have come to the conclusion that marriage is beyond a contract, and this Reconciliation Agreement (which mirrors a separation agreement, and a pre-nuptial agreement) was very sobering for me to do.  It made me as a single realize that I had taken marriage too lightly...it is indeed a covenant.  I believe that every single person should draft something like this before getting married.  Thank you for this life exercise!


In addition to your readings, I bought a book two days ago by Candice Watters, a former Regent grad called Get Married: What Women Can do to Help it Happen.  It really ties in a lot that is in the class.  She founded www.Boundless.org, a webzine for young adults for Focus on the Family before venturing into full-time motherhood.  Before transferring to Regent, I read her column when I felt lonely and isolated from Christians at my former law school.  Little did I know I would be blessed to attend her school!  I hope I can meet her and Randy Singer (who I read his books after going to a CLS retreat 1L year but have never met.)  I highly recommend this book to married couples that mentor singles, your daughter, and singles.  I incorporated many of the ideas from her book into my Reconciliation Agreement. 


In preparing this assignment, students experience both professional and personal growth, as they learn basics of a law practice that can actually minister and spiritually support their clients - while helping them to personally make good decisions as well.

It is truly a privilege to be involved in training lawyers to restore families.

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