The limits of protecting women and children are about to be tested again. Abortion has been in the national news in the announced retirement of Justice Souter.
Here's a few recent stories on the matter:
Washington, DC ( -- Supreme Court Justice David Souter, one of the staunch abortion advocates giving the high court its pro-abortion majority, has announced he will retire at the end of June. The retirement will likely set up a fierce battle as President Barack Obama is expected to appoint an abortion advocate to replace him.
President Obama Likely to Pick Pro-Abortion Supreme Court Justice After Souter
Washington, DC ( -- Now that pro-abortion Supreme Court Justice David Souter has announced his future retirement in June, speculation turns to President Barack Obama. During the presidential campaign, he made it clear he would only appoint a pro-abortion activist to the high court if given a chance to nominate a new judge.
For a list of potential replacements:
Pro-Life, Pro-Abortion Groups Look to Coming Battle Over Supreme Court Pick
Washington, DC -- Now that President Barack Obama will be given his first opportunity to select a new member of the Supreme Court, both pro-life and pro-abortion groups are looking ahead to the coming battle. The fight will center on the Senate and whether pro-life members will filibuster the nomination.
The question remains whether abortion ever provides for the protection of women and children. What you may not have heard was that states can regulate abortion for these express purposes, to protect women and their children. Texas is doing just that.
The Texas Senate just passed HR36, a bill requiring that women who are to undergo an abortion must be offered the opportunity to have an ultrasound performed prior to the abortion, and they must have the opportunity to simultaneously view and hear the ultrasound. The Prolife Advocacy Center (directed by friend and colleague Professor Teresa Collette) provided an informational letter to the House sponsor of the bill outlining the Center's opinion that such legislation is constitutional and sound public policy. Click here to view a PDF copy of the letter.
Bravo to Texas for protecting women and their children - part of the essence of family restoration!
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