Adult sex with a child is in every state and nation around the globe a criminal act that damages a child, his or her family, and that child's future. Such behavior also harms a society. Yet, the objective of a recent academic conference keynoted by a Johns Hopkins University Professor was to discuss the notion that adult desires to sexually molest a child should be proffered as normative (and therefore decriminalized). See the Symposium on "Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies" at
Arguing that pedophiles are "unfairly stigmatized and demonized by society," and that "children are not inherently unable to consent" to sex with an adult, objectives of the conference presenters and sponsors was focused upon alteration of cultural and legal stigmas against pedophilia; this according to the Washington Times' report on the event, which can be read at
Hosted by B4U-ACT, a group which has renamed pedophiles "Minor-Attracted Persons," or MAPs, several researchers, professors and mental health professionals were in attendance, and participated as presenters. The Daily Caller reported:
"B4U-ACT is a Maryland-based group of mental health professionals, psychiatrists and pedophiles who want to normalize pedophilia. Instead of pejoratively calling them 'pedophiles,' 'fiends,' 'deviants,' 'freaks,' 'perverts,' 'degenerates,' [or] 'predators,' ... they would prefer that society refer to them by the sensitive and socially-accepting term: minor attracted persons. The groups latest symposium 'Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies' was held today, August 17, 2011, in Baltimore, Maryland." Read that entire article at
These experts in law, psychology and science argued that a socio-legal move to destigmatize pedophilia would "maximize individual liberty." They apparently neglected the fact that children are severly damaged by sexual activity (see and An adult's maximization of individual liberty cannot justify such harm to a child.
The American Thinker tagged the event as "Predators with Ph.D.s," writing that the "latest offensive against morality, decency, and sanity in America has been launched by a pro-pedophilia group and several academics who openly advocate for the normalization and legalizatin of pedophilia." Read that entire article at
Both the American Thinker and the Daily Caller spoke with child advocate Dr. Judith Reisman, a visiting professor at Liberty University’s School of Law, who said the conference is part of a strategy to condition people into accepting pedophiles. “The first thing they do is to get the public to divest from thinking of what the offender does criminally, to thinking of the offender’s emotional state, to think of him as thinking of his emotional state, [and] to empathize and sympathize,” Reisman said. “You don’t change the nation in one fell swoop; you have to change it by conditioning. The aim is to get them [pedophiles] out of prison.” According to Reisman, empirical data show that pedophiles typically molest many children before finally being caught. Read more at
This conference was an attempt to recondition the public, proffered by academics, and endorsed by medical, legal, psychological, and scientific experts. Children and their families, however, ought to be able to expect social, legal and cultural protection from any and all forms of pedophilia. Anything less poses unimaginable real danger and ultimate hideous harm to children everywhere, and to any notion of restoring families from breakdown. Family restoration cannot tolerate pedophila no matter how it is endorsed or euphemized.
[Many thanks to Joseph A. Kohm, Jr. for research contributing to this post.]
I believe it was about 2 years ago and this horrifying child rape case in Korea absolutely enraged Korean people. Basically this 8 year old girl was on her way to school and and this 58 year old drunken man, Mr. Jo, took her to nearby church bathroom and brutally beat and raped her. It caused a rupture in her intestines and she was found near death by her parents. She was permanently deprived of her normal sexual functions and was also forced to have an artificial sack to replace her missing organ. Mr. Jo was a repeat offender (17 previous crimes and 3 years of imprisonment for rape) but he was under no restriction or supervision despite of his past crimes. He was only sentenced to 12 years because the court took into consideration that Jo was drunk and he was mentally and physically weak and South Korean public exploded with anger. I believe there is Korean law that when an intoxicated person commits a crime, the court may reduce a sentence. Citizens have raged over the brutality of the crime and what seemed too light a sentence. In a major online portal, tens of thousands of netizens joined a campaign to censure the aggressor and demand that he receive a heavier punishment. Some even requested that Cho be retried in court, blaming the court for being lenient, especially as the ruling judged him to be under the influence of alcohol. Others criticized the prosecution for assenting to the court ruling and not making an appeal. Under criminal procedure law, a higher court may not issue a heavier sentence than the lower court unless the prosecutor appeals.
ReplyDeleteAs the crime was widely publicized in the media and public fury sharply soared, experts, lawmakers and high-ranking government officials also spoke out. "Though it may be controversial to raise any objection to the court's legal judgment, I nevertheless feel wretched as president that such a crime should have occurred," said President Lee Myung-bak during a Cabinet meeting last Thursday. "I feel it appropriate that such grave felons should be separated from society for the rest of their lives."
The president also urged the Gender Equality Ministry, the Justice Ministry and other government offices to work together to produce a total plan to prevent such inhumane crimes. The Justice Ministry closely followed the president's statement in vowing to ensure that Cho serve his maximum sentence. The ministry also declared that it would make a proposal to the Supreme Court to raise the minimum criminal sentence for those who sexually abuse children, according to officials.
I definitely believe that Korean legal system is desperately in need of a major revision in criminal punishment guideline. Chief justice of the Supreme Court of S. Korea stated that "The judicature should not be swayed by public opinion, or it will lose its credibility" Of course, the idea of stare decisis is critical in the legal system but, courts are not bound to obey precedents, especially in this horrifying case in which 8 year old girl’s dignity and dream had been trampled…
I can't believe how many highly educated people are basically advocating sympathy for child molesters! And how ludicrous to say they should be called something besides predators, perverts, etc. To quote Billy S, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." In reality, the whole issue shouldn't be about them at all, or how they're negatively impacted by the stigma against them (boohoo!), but about the CHILDREN whose lives they are endangering! It truly surprises me how anyone can support something that causes nothing but negative effects on our children.