Regent University Law School's Journal of Law and Public Policy and International Journal will be hosting a symposium on Friday February 15th and Saturday February 16th.
The event, Endangered Gender: A Discussion on Sex-Selection Abortion, will delve into the astonishing reality that according to the United Nations there are an estimated 200 million girls missing in the world today due to sex-selection abortion, female infanticide, forced abortion, and other human rights violations. The world is facing a "gendercide" -- a term describing the systematic destruction of a gender -- of mass proportions. This symposium is designed to raise awareness of the realities of gendercide and thoughtfully consider the cultural and economic reasons behind it while also looking at the natural consequences of missing girls. Some of the consequences being the further commodification of women, as seen in the sky rocketing existence of sex-trafficking and bride buying. The symposium will challenge attendants to consider this issue and to actively seek solutions to the problem. For more information about the realities of gendercide see Professor Lynne Marie Kohm's forthcoming article The Challenges of Teaching Gender Equality in a World of Reproductive Gendercide in Regent's Journal of Law and Public Policy.
In order to facilitate this discussion the Journals will be hosting a screening of the documentary, It's a Girl: The Three Most Deadly Words in the World Today. You can watch the trailer for the film and learn more about it here. This screening will be hosted on Friday, February 15th from 5:00-7:00pm with light refreshments being served. It will be screened at Regent University, Robertson Hall - Moot Court Board Room.
Then on Saturday morning, starting at 8:30am the Journals will host several international experts on the issue of sex-selection abortion. Congressman Trent Franks from Arizona will be joining us, as well as Dr. Prakash Tyagi from India, Dr. Ana Aspras Steele, Steven Mosher, Professor David Smolin, and Professor Lynne Marie Kohm. To see each of the notable speakers bios, click here. This event will take place at Regent University, Robertson Hall - Moot Court Board Room. A continental breakfast will be served.
This is a free event and all are encouraged to attend! Please register here.
Legal Fellowship in Uganda: Human Trafficking Institute
By: Lauryn Eason, Legal Fellow Even before law school, I knew I wanted to
advocate for vulnerable people and victims of atrocity. Specifically, I
wanted ...
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