Summer opportunities for Regent law students are directive and
confirming of their calling to law and their future practice as
attorneys. This post will highlight three women and the work they did
in the Summer of 2013, as well as give some glimpses of
their future as lawyers.
Elizabeth Oklevitch is a 3L who served a summer internship in
2012 in South Africa working on aspects of the rule of law and also served
as a student law clerk in United States District Court, Western District of New York. She has
sensed a calling to work in the area of child
advocacy and family restoration. This past summer she served in
the U.S. Attorney's Office in Rochester, NY, largely working on
child exploitation and constitutional law issues. Read more about her perspective and experiences here.
Abby Skeans is a 3L who came to Regent Law to gain critical training for
her calling to rule of law development work in Sub-Saharan Africa
through the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of
Law. Through her internships with a partner organization, Sixty
Feet, and stipends provided by the Center, Abby has spent both of her
summers serving the juvenile justice systems of Uganda and Malawi. She has sought
systemic reform by
supporting a program that gave nearly 150 children access to
justice in the past year, developing a database program that is transferable to other
African nations, and implementing a legal literacy clinic for
juvenile offenders. Read more about
Abby's work here, and on her blog.
Heather Pate, also a 3L, has worked as a student intern with the
Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law and spent
last summer in D.C. working with the National Coalition on Adoption in
the legislative policy realm protecting children. This past summer, she worked with policy makers and law
enforcement officials in Uganda to end child sacrifice in that nation. Read more about her
experiences here.
Each of these women have responded to God's call upon their lives and
have been led to incredible opportunities around the world to make a
difference for children. Their desire to see family restoration happen
has been turned into action, and they are making
a difference now as students. Each has been prepared to definitely
make a difference as lawyers for the rest of their lives.
Legal Fellowship in Uganda: Human Trafficking Institute
By: Lauryn Eason, Legal Fellow Even before law school, I knew I wanted to
advocate for vulnerable people and victims of atrocity. Specifically, I
wanted ...
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