
Dare to be Pro-Life?

Last weekend’s March for Life in Washington, D.C. with the moniker Pro-Life is Pro-Science, saw a new level of alarming opposition to the pro-life position.  From loutish protestors approaching high school kids with racial epithets and sexual slurs, to the school of those same kids targeted for school shooting violence, the outrage against those who stand for life was a bit shocking.  Read one student’s response to those events here
The behavior of adults who seem to be professional protestors, in person and on social media, against religious pro-lifers has been distressing at best, while the silence of those who promote gun control to protect school kids is almost deafening as Covington Catholic closed due to violent threats. 
All this was happening while abortion’s strongest promoters took even more formidable measures to proclaim the lack of value for a baby’s life, and those who want to protect it.  Yesterday New York passed legislation to promote abortion rights up until the moment of birth, with the Governor assuring that pro-life citizens “have no place in the state of New York.”  Furthermore, the Supreme Court declined to take up a case that prohibited abortions solely on the basis of a baby’s race, or sex or disability, statuses generally protected for all under the U.S. Constitution.  The nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, recently announced the highest number of abortions in their history for 2018, while being charged with discrimination of its own pregnant employees
The effects of abortion on family law are vast, the harms to women are crystal clear, and the protection of babies is needed more than ever.  For these reasons, people of faith must continue to stand against the promotion of death to the most vulnerable. Pro-life is not only pro-science, it is pro-faith, and that might sadly be the most outrageous concern of the popular public.

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