
Teen Vogue Endorses Sex Work for Young Girls/Readers

Thanks to Joseph Kohm, III, previously a legal intern fighting human trafficking, for this important guest post:

On April 26, 2019, Teen Vogue published an article titled "Why Sex Work Is Real Work" by Tlaleng Mofokeng, MD, who is cited as the founder of Nalane for Reproductive Justice.  Teen Vogue retweeted a link to the article on June 16 with the caption, "Yes, sex work is real work!"  In the piece, Dr. Mofokeng argues that prostitution should be decriminalized, equates sex work to the work of a medical professional, and effectively markets the "profession" (I hesitate to even dignify it with such a term) of prostitution to Teen Vogue's target audience: pre-teen and 13 year old girls.  There's really very little a doctor could say to a teen girl that could be more harmful.

This comes at a time when more than half of sex trafficking victims are 17 years old or younger, according to a 2014 Department of Justice report.  That means that approximately half of all active sex trafficking victims came from a now-broken family.  Because prostitution is ultimately not a choice, but the engine that drives the billion-dollar sex trafficking industry, Dr. Mofokeng and Teen Vogue have encouraged pre-teen girls to part ways with their families, splitting that family apart, potentially irreversibly, and voluntarily embrace the shackles of the greatest wave of chattel slavery in human history. 

Furthermore, it is now more dangerous to be a sex worker than ever before, both at the interpersonal and microbial levels.  Gonorrhea has steadily grown resistant to every recommended treatment over the last 40 years, and according to the CDC, it is likely that it will soon be totally untreatable.  Devastating to one's health, contracting a sexually transmitted disease is just one consequence of prostitution.  Nature rebels against prostitution at every level.

What all this means is that the onus is now almost entirely on parents to protect their children from the influences of platforms such as Teen Vogue and ill-informed physicians like Dr. Mofokeng.  Such platforms and individuals have a duty to be better informed of the realities of prostitution and trafficking in persons, as espousing such deceptions make this kind of journalism irresponsible at best. 

Ultimately, however, God has given parents stewardship over their minor children.  They can still decide what influences they allow into their homes and into the lives of their children. Parents are the best and most effective device left to protect children from the lies which society can use to attempt to shape their young lives.  Parents, don't let your children be influenced like this; don't let your babies grow up to be sex workers.  Restore your family and your relationship with your kids by starting today.

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