
Library Readers & Parental Rights

What can parents do to protect their children while they are in school, or at the library?  Can a parent protect his or her child from story time readers, particularly if that reader is a drag queen sex offender scheduled by the library or school? 

The answer is a resounding yes, according to a parent’s fundamental constitutional rights guaranteed by the U.S Constitution. 

In the early 1920s the Supreme Court of the United States used the doctrine of substantive due process to declare that certain family relations were entitled to special constitutional deference - those were parental rights.  In 1923 the Court in Meyer v. Nebraska,  ruled that parents have the right to direct the upbringing of their children when it comes to their education, and affirmed that in 1925 in Pierce v. Society of Sisters.  Indeed, as if to add emphasis to this notion, in 2000 the Supreme Court of the United States in Troxel v. Granville, characterized a parent's right to raise his or her child as “perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by this Court.”  

So if the United States Supreme Court has then traditionally protected parental rights, what is allowing third parties such as teachers, librarians and drag queens to interfere with parents exercising their rights over their children, resulting in the law being used as a vehicle of opposition rather than to support parental rights?  The answer is that culture trends are allowing this, and even worse are pushing sexuality on children.  This trend, however, cannot overcome the law on parental rights. 

The solution?  Parents must speak up and stand up to protect their children by voicing and presenting concerns.  That will make all the difference.  And a good lawyer to back up that parent would not be amiss either.

Parents have a fundamental constitutional right to protect the best interests of their own children, and no school or library can ultimately subvert that right.  Family restoration is about parents protecting their children.  Just do it.

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