
March for Life 2020 toward Family Restoration

Commitment to women, life, and religious liberty were on full display on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on January 24, 2020 for the annual March for Life as nearly a half million people of all ages, races and affiliations participated to voice their support for women and their babies.  With leaders around the country such as Peter Wolfgang of the Family Institute of Connecticut, it was a privilege to participate.

The youth of the crowd was most undeniable.  Myriad future voters, with a fair 75% under age 30, and so many young women who will likely never choose abortion, but do all they can to be there for their friends in a crisis.  This generation gets it.   

The first U.S. President to address the rally live stated the case for pro-life America.  “When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation.” Read the full speech here.  Commentator Rod Dreher remarked how the fight for the rights of the unborn ought to be above partisan politics, but alas, it has been cemented as political with legal decisions that have altered family life forever.  To learn more about that see

Roe’s Effect on Family Law, 71 Washington & Lee L. Rev. 1339 (2014).  A pro-life position on women and their babies is a great place to begin family restoration.

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