
What Every Woman Needs to Know about Medication Abortion


The NY Times on 5/9/22 published a piece about medication abortion. It contained numerous statements that were misleading or false.  Karen D. Poehailos, MD, Assistant Medical Director for the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates responded to the medical inaccuracies noted as fact in that piece with more correct information as follows:


I am a family physician commenting on the 5/9/22 article on medication abortion. Patients considering medication abortion need accurate information to guide their decision.

Abortion pill-related complications are grossly underreported. Because since 2016 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires only reporting deaths. Other potential adverse effects, including incomplete abortion, bleeding, infection and missed ectopic pregnancy, go unreported.

The failure rate of the regimen for a medication or chemical abortion is higher than stated. Planned Parenthood’s website cites an efficacy of 91-98% depending on gestational age. Thus, 2-9% will have an incomplete abortion and may need further medication or surgery.

Telemedicine abortion presents other concerns. Without ultrasound, there is no confirmation of pregnancy location to rule out ectopic pregnancy or incorrect pregnancy dating. Ectopic pregnancy can occur in 1 in 40 pregnancies and is the leading cause of first trimester maternal mortality. Due dates will change 40% of the time after first trimester ultrasound. Later gestation abortions have higher complication rates. Without lab work, Rh incompatibility—which could jeopardize future pregnancies—is not diagnosed.  For these numerous reasons, a telehealth abortion is far from ideal.

As in the rest of medicine, patients need accurate information for informed choices regarding their pregnancies, including risks, efficacy, and alternatives.               

Karen D. Poehailos MD

Dr. Poehailos agrees that medical inaccuracies cannot be tolerated when it comes to women’s health. 

Good medical guidance and care is part of family restoration.  Women need to know the facts about medication abortion.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Poehailos has well articulated truth that needs to be addressed and known regarding medication abortion. Thanks for sharing.
