
Families of 911


This guest post is courtesy of Dr. Leroy Gilbert, Ph.D., CAPT, CHC, USN (ret.), Assistant Professor, Regent University School of Divinity:

On Monday, September 11, 2023, we honor the memories of those whose lives were lost on that fateful day and the first responders who served, saved, and rendered aid and assistance. The attacks were intended to break our spirit. Instead, 22 years later, we celebrate the resilience of America. May September 11 serve as a reminder of the unity, love, and compassion that arose in the face of such adversity. From ashes, America came together as one to overcome those tragic terrorist attacks. Let us not forget to thank God for enabling America to be a resilient nation. Throughout America’s history, we have overcome many chaotic situations, slavery, wars, tragedies, natural calamities, dissensions, and pandemics. Yet, we still stand as a strong nation “like a tree planted by streams of living waters” (Psalm 1:1-3).


Let us Pray:


Lord, the events of September 11 serve as a sobering reminder of how fragile and precious life is. Dear Lord, today we pray for national harmony and stability. We ask that Your Holy Spirit permeate our midst, creating in us a shared sense of purpose and a mutual yearning for peace and goodwill. Help us to keep our priorities straight and to love one another as You love us. Please hear our prayers for our nation’s leaders. We ask that You bestow Your wisdom and understanding onto them as they face the challenges that arise. May our university provide the kind of Christian education to allow our nation to be truly a “City on a Hill.”


We ask that You would move this country to seek to glorify, honor, and acclaim You as its sovereign God. We pray that You will use our university to provide resources and skilled Christian workers to let nations comprehend there is a better way through Jesus Christ.


In Jesus’ Name,


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