
Female is Very Good


My recently published article, The Abolition of Women, represents legal scholarship that is expanding the literature surrounding women's rights, especially in contemporary culture. In the vein of C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man, it labors to reveal that feminist cultural ideology today is actually working toward the annihilation of women, rather than the liberation of women.  

Essentially the article argues that "feminist legal theory, with the original objective of bringing equality for women, has been twisted to effectuate a form of annihilation of women and women’s rights." Covering reproductive rights, motherhood, and female spaces, among other important concepts subject to conflict today, it examines whether the notion of “woman” may be being reimagined toward annihilation by ideology that deconstructs the uniqueness of women, unwittingly creating the potential abolition of woman.

For example, the falsehood that women "need" abortion in order to achieve socioeconomic success in America is one of the greatest frauds perpetrated on women and girls today. Many women don't realize that this purported feminist ideology actually produces the opposite effect and furthers discriminatory views towards pregnant women and motherhood. When a system undervalues pregnancy and motherhood, naturally we will see more resistance to accommodate for either in employment, in education, essentially everywhere. We can see this when we look at discrimination in the workplace. Professor Helen Alvare points out that pregnancy discrimination has risen over 50% in the last 15 years.

Furthermore, "[a]bortion has not reduced sexual violence, and in many ways has facilitated violence against women and children." This is a significant but oft overlooked point. Studies show that the rates of intimate partner violence and reproductive control are higher for women who have abortions. Also, there are many reports that illustrate the prevalence of coerced abortions. One recent study found that over 60% of women felt some form of pressure to abort their preborn child. Young women are particularly vulnerable, and often opt for their last resort of a late term abortion because they have no support from the father of their child or from their community.

The article takes on current feminist thinking and works to free women from the bonds of weak ideology by empowering both women and men to realize that female is certainly “very good.” (Genesis 1:27, 31).  

Recognizing the potential for the abolition of woman can help to avert it and simultaneously advance family restoration.

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