Caution: This article contains graphic material.
Mike Lee introduced a resolution last Monday that calls on local, state
and federal governments to investigate unsanitary abortion conditions and illegal abortion practices, according to a May 7, 2013 article by Bethany
Monk of CitizenLink, which is fully available at . She writes:
Utah lawmaker is calling on the Senate to protect women and girls from
“abusive, unsanitary, and illegal abortion practices.” Lee also
condemned the deplorable practices uncovered at abortionist Kermit
Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion center. Gosnell is charged with
murdering seven newborns and one pregnant woman. ‘The facts of the
Gosnell case are disturbing and heartbreaking,’ Lee said. ‘The lack of
oversight at abortions facilities puts women’s lives at risk and leads
to the kind of unconscionable practices we have seen recently.’ A 2011
Grand Jury report says Gosnell delivered ‘live, viable babies in the
third trimesters of pregnancy — then murdered these newborns by severing
their spinal cords with scissors.’ It also documents that Gosnell’s
clinic ‘reeked of animal urine,’ and that furniture and blankets ‘were
stained of blood.’ Scattered throughout the center, ‘in the basement, in
a freezer, in jars and plastic jugs, were fetal remains.’”
is not how women and children ought to be treated in any medical
facility. Federal action is not inappropriate in light of federal law
that upholds protection for women and children even in abortion. Monk’s
article continues:
must protect women, girls, preborn babies and newborns from situations
like this, the resolution explains. It calls any illegal or dangerous
abortion practices ‘violations of law and human dignity.’ ‘Congress has
the responsibility to investigate and conduct hearings on abortions
performed near, at, or after viability in the United States, public
policies regarding such, and evaluate the extent to which such abortions
involve violations or the natural right to life of infants who are born
alive or capable of being born alive, and entitled to equal protection
under the law,’ the resolution states. Co-sponsors of the federal
resolution include Sens. Patrick Toomey, Pennsylvania; Marco Rubio,
Florida; Ted Cruz, Texas; James Inhofe, Oklahoma; Tim Scott, South
Carolina; Roy Blunt, Missouri; Richard Burr, North Carolina; David
Vitter, Louisiana; Mike Johanns, Nebraska; John Thune, South Dakota; and
John Boozman, Arkansas. ‘The Senate should formally recognize that this
is a problem in our country,’ Lee said. ‘We have a responsibility to
investigate the causes, review the effects of certain public policies,
and determine what we can do to prevent any woman from being subjected
to the reprehensible practices again’.”
You may wish to Contact your U.S. Senators and ask them to support the Lee resolution and
Congressional hearings into the abortion industry. You may also Read the full text of the resolution here.
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