Family Restoration would like to introduce The Family Project,
a new initiative from Focus on the Family that will strengthen families
and transform culture. Read and view the message below to learn more
about this forthcoming
Discover the profound impact of biblical families
If you're like me, you'd do just about anything to protect and care for the most important people in your life.
That's why I want you to be one of the first to hear about the most ambitious initiative Focus on the Family has ever undertaken—one that will remind our world of the profound impact of biblical families that are redeemed by the love of Jesus Christ.
If you haven't yet heard about The Family Project, find out more about it by watching this video.
It would be easy to despair over the challenges facing homes today. But Jesus told us that, despite the trouble in our world, we can have HOPE. Why? Because we know the Architect who created family . . . the One who understands that thriving families can transform both communities and cultures.
We expect to have The Family Project complete and ready to roll out by September 2014—including a feature-length film and a curriculum package.
We're already on task to bring hope back to the family.
Please pray that the impact of The Family Project will hit its mark, to REVEAL to the world God's perfect design for family, RENEW families spiritually as they grow closer to Him and, most important, REDEEM our culture for His glory.

Jim Daly
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