My colleague at Chapman University Law School and constitutional law scholar and litigator Professor John Eastman, founder of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, was present at yesterday's oral arguments on marriage before the Supreme Court of the United States. While the questioning of the counselors by the Justices was robust, Professor Eastman explained that the focus remained on marriage's existence outside contemporary American society for "millennia" as Justice Kennedy noted. Indeed, Justice Kennedy in particular, likely the swing vote in deciding this case, seemed very concerned over the prospect of nine individuals taking action to overturn something that has served society well for the entire history of the world; many other justices seemed very favorable to a societal debate where people determine for themselves the way forward for marriage - a notion that might seem to imply state democratic action where the people vote on marriage's definition - something that has happened in 38 states., upholding marriage as between a man and a woman regulated by their State.
To learn more on yesterday's and last weeks events at the High Court tune in tomorrow for the TownHall with John Eastman as he hosts a tele-town hall each month to discuss the most important cases from the Court's 2-week oral argument sitting. Ilya Shapiro—a libertarian proponent of same-sex marriage—and John will be discussing the marriage cases, and I will be joining them as well, focusing particularly on the harms to women and children from marriage expansion, the subject matter of the amicus brief John and I submitted to the Court just weeks before the arguments.
Tune in 1 pm EDT Thursday, April 30. Interested listeners should register for the phone call at (which is an outbound call where you will be called at the time of the event at the phone number of your choosing, so it is important to register your appropriate phone number for the call), or on Thursday at the time of the tele-forum you can log in to the webcast at .
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