
Jane Austen & Family Restoration

The notion of family restoration is nothing new. In fact, Jane Austen saw it as critical to romance and family strength.  
So today on her 244th birthday we'd like to introduce our new book, Law and Economics in Jane Austen, which is now available for preorder on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and directly from our publisher Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group

Publishing this with Kathleen Akers, an economics associate at a Chicago firm, was a good deal of work, but simultaneously more fun than I can say.  We were constantly finding ways that family restoration was so important to Jane Austen, and that she worked that magic for her characters using legal rules and economic principles.  
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Twitter: @austen_law  @RLPGBooks
LinkedIn: Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group 
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Facebook: Law and Economics in Jane Austen; Rowman & Littlefield

Law and Economics in Jane Austen traces principles of law and economics in sex, marriage, and romance as set in Austen’s novels, unveiling how those meticulous principles still control today’s modern romance. Readers will learn fascinating new insights into law and economics by seeing these disciplines through Austen’s eyes. Those who find themselves wishing Austen had written just one more novel or that she had somewhere offered more examination and analysis of her characters’ predicaments, or who desire to go deeper with her investigation of love, money, and culture, will praise this book. 
Discovering the legal and economic principles that drove her stories, Law and Economics in Jane Austen reveals that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Love and money are constants in social connection. While culture may have changed over 300 years, principles of law and economics remain staples of modern romance—which is why Austen continues to fascinate the modern mind. 
So sit back, enjoy, and be pleasantly taught and surprised at what you will learn from the methodical mind of Austen.

1 comment:

  1. Pre Order Special 30% Discount!!
    Use code LEX30AUTH20 when ordering before Christmas
    at https://rowman.com/…/97817…/Law-and-Economics-in-Jane-Austen
