
God's Children Are Not For Sale


Sound of Freedom on July 4th sold out across the nation to the opened eyes of American families on the horrors of child trafficking. Tracing the journey of Special Agent Tim Ballard in the fight to bring trafficked children home, viewers witnessed the horrors endured by innocent children kidnapped into the sex trade.  Would-be talent posers scooped up children for trafficking amid echoes of “no parents allowed.” 

Leaving the theatre I was strangely reminded that this was the same echo resounding from a school board meeting on transgender curriculum in public schools. Parent after parent was told “parents have no right to know what’s going on with their child’s gender decisions.” Parents were begging school officials to simply allow them to be involved in their children’s lives. Would-be sex transitioners scooping up children for gender reassignment amid echoes of “no parents allowed.”

When sex traffickers cry the same words as school administrators, counselors and teachers, parents must wake up.  The United States constitution does indeed safeguard a parent’s right to protect their children, and to direct their upbringing in all ways.

Children are not up for grabs – not to sex traffickers, not to big pharma, not to gender activists, not to government authorities, and not to school officials. They are not your children. 

God’s children are not for sale. Parents - make sure of it.

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